Meet the PUSHPA Founders

Franklin Gummadi
Franklin Gummadi was born and raised in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. He studied pharmacy at Vellore Christian Medical College in South India, and worked as chief pharmacist and administrator of Philadelphia Hospital in Ambala, India.

Shirley Franklin
Shirley Franklin is a native of Minnesota, graduating from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. Shirley taught English at two Lutheran schools in Guntur, India, and later studied primary education in India as a Fulbright Scholar.

Shirley & Franklin in Guntur
Shirley and Franklin met in India while Shirley pursued her Fulbright studies. They married in 1969 and emigrated to the United States the same year, settling in the state of Minnesota. Franklin worked in the medical products department of the 3M Company for 30 years and Shirley continued her teaching career in the Minneapolis schools.
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